Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Back in the Saddle Again

So I know it's been simply ages since my last post. I feel like I've been away from home or insanely busy or just insane for the last couple months. Here's my life for the last four months:

My little brother got married in Washington State so I traveled there and stayed for a while at my parents. Here's my mom and daughter hanging out together in a park.

I taught my first kids 3-D art class in my home. We worked with clay, modeling dough, spackle (really), and paper mache.

Here's one of my student's clay pieces from the class.

My little one turned 3 years old. Here's her Birthday cake. Mmmmmm.....fondant.

We took a family trip to the beach. This here is me. Though I don't know it yet, I'm getting a massive sunburn because I mistook SPF 15 for 50.

I taught a second week-long course--this time, all in clay. This is a porcupine that a really creative student made from a bowl.

My husband and I traveled to Bolivia with Choice Humanitarian--an amazing NGO that works in rural villages in the country.

I opened a new Etsy shop at selling smoke-fired pendants.

It's been one heck of a summer and I'm glad to be "back in the saddle" again--making pottery, working on my shops, and slowing down a bit :)


Anonymous said...

Tara, did you know I check in every once in a while to see what you are up to?? I absolutely the select jewelry line, and hope to one day (when I am solvent again) to get the ball pendant, the one on the opening pic. Good luck to you! -Debbie T., your mom-in-law's sis.

Tara said...

Thanks Debbie! It's good to hear from you :)